Start United States USA — Events De Blasio’s cluelessness on reopening NYC is ultimate failure of crisis leadership

De Blasio’s cluelessness on reopening NYC is ultimate failure of crisis leadership


New York City is in serious trouble: Its economy is collapsing under the COVID lockdown — and Mayor Bill de Blasio is totally clueless about …
New York City is in serious trouble: Its economy is collapsing under the COVID lockdown — and Mayor Bill de Blasio is totally clueless about how to reopen it.
On Tuesday, he admitted City Hall has no specific date for lifting restrictions (though he’s hoping it’ll be some time in June) — and no firm grip whatsoever on the details of how the reopening will take place.
“We’re going to be briefing all New Yorkers on each of these questions as we get closer,” he assures. Gee, thanks. (Memo to Hizzoner: June starts on Monday.)
There’s a “lot that we have to put together,” he dithers, “but it’ll all be in place well before we announce the actual day for the restart.

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