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Why Trump Punches Down at Joe Scarborough


Rush Limbaugh, America’s Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer of AM radio. Limbaugh revolutionized the media and political landscape with his unprecedented combination o f serious discussion of political, cultural and social issues along with satirical and biting humor.
RUSH: Everybody’s jumping all over Trump. I got a headline here on Drudge:
“Twitter Apologizes for Trump Tweets.” This is about Trump tweeting that Scarborough murdered somebody, and a lot of people say, “What is Trump doing? Why is he punching down? Why is he wasting time on Scarborough?” I have no idea, folks, but I’m just gonna tell you something: Everybody’s acting so outraged that Trump would accuse Scarborough of murder.
What about what Trump’s been accused of for three years? Treason, being a traitor, lying about all kinds of stuff. Flynn! What they have done to Donald Trump and his family! Maybe Trump’s just dosing out some medicine. “Okay, Joe, how does it feel?” ‘Cause Scarborough’s been one of the guys on that network that has been promising and assuring everybody that Trump’s a traitor, that Trump is a Russian agent.
And if Scarborough didn’t say it, here comes an endless parade of guests who would be happy to say it. I don’t know why Trump is doing it. You know, Trump is Trump. But these people in the media act like they have a free ride. They can say whatever they want about anybody, but don’t you dare be critical of them. Don’t you dare respond to it! Don’t you dare impugn them.
And then, if you do, they’re gonna come after you. Trump is not the kind of guy that just sits there and takes this stuff. Yeah, I wish he wouldn’t punch down. I wish he didn’t care. But he does. So he’s gonna do what he does, and, if you take a little time, you can understand it.
RUSH: Look, there’s Kayleigh McEnany. Kayleigh McEnany, the new White House press secretary, is getting beaten up by the media for simply doing her job well! You know, the media has behaved like a bunch of kindergarteners, a bunch of spoiled brats, and nobody complains and talks about how childish they are, how damaging they are, how unprofessional they are. All she does is throw it back at them, and she throws it back at them politely.
She has a velvet-glove way of nuking them. So now they’re out there saying, “What she’s doing is outrageous. What she’s doing is damaging. I have never seen anything as counterproductive as Kayleigh McEnany.” All that means is that she is as effective as she can be. (interruption) Well, no. I was the featured speaker, keynote speaker at one of Brent Bozell’s events. This must go back three years, maybe four.

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