Start United States USA — Criminal China's new Hong Kong security law would impose life sentences on anyone...

China's new Hong Kong security law would impose life sentences on anyone guilty of these charges


Anyone in Hong Kong found guilty of secession, subversion or terrorism will now be sentenced to life in prison under the controversial new security law passed by China this …
Anyone in Hong Kong found guilty of secession, subversion or terrorism will now be sentenced to life in prison under the controversial new security law passed by China this week.
The details emerging about the law, which went into effect Tuesday, come amid fresh concerns in Hong Kong and abroad that it will be used to curb opposition voices in the Asian financial hub.
“The speed and secrecy with which China has pushed through this legislation intensifies the fear that Beijing has calculatingly created a weapon of repression to be used against government critics, including people who are merely expressing their views or protesting peacefully,” said Joshua Rosenzweig, head of Amnesty International’s China Team.
He called the law’s passage “the greatest threat to human rights in the city’s recent history.”
The legislation will be enforced by a national security committee that is being established under Beijing’s control, according to Sky News.

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