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Mask use spotty across Cincinnati as coronavirus cases surge


In a grocery store in Delhi Township, in a department store in Blue Ash, at an Irish pub in Covington. The locations differed, but one …
In a grocery store in Delhi Township, in a department store in Blue Ash, at an Irish pub in Covington. The locations differed, but one element was the same: Masks were rare.
And, while Gov. Mike DeWine stopped short of mandating masks, he stressed Thursday that Ohioans aren’t wearing them nearly enough.
„The scientific data is irrefutable,“ DeWine said during his Thursday news conference bringing people up to speed on the latest coronavirus data. „Everybody needs to wear a mask out in public.“
Gathering solid data on mask wearing would require a large-scale study, the results of which likely would be obsolete by the time the numbers were crunched. So journalists with The Enquirer kept things decidedly unscientific, fanning across the city to simply observe.
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Some places were teeming with mask-wearers – Costco in Springdale and Dorothy Lane Market in Springboro, for example.
But most were not. At one Speedway, more than 15 people milled around inside, only one of whom wore a mask. At a Target, about half of the store’s approximately 30 shoppers wore masks. At a pharmacy in Fort Wright, just one of 12 customers was masked – despite a sign on the door declaring masks mandatory.
Why does this all matter? Because coronavirus cases are climbing nationwide, and in Ohio, stats are especially soaring in Hamilton County and Cincinnati.

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