Start United States USA — China Taiwan scrambles to ready for influx from Hong Kong protests

Taiwan scrambles to ready for influx from Hong Kong protests


TAIPEI/HONG KONG – Taiwan is gearing up to welcome Hong Kong people fleeing their city as China tightens its grip, but the island has …
TAIPEI/HONG KONG – Taiwan is gearing up to welcome Hong Kong people fleeing their city as China tightens its grip, but the island has little experience of handling refugees and is scrambling to prepare and to keep out any Chinese spies who might try to join the influx.
Year-long anti-government protests in Hong Kong have won widespread sympathy in democratic and Chinese-claimed Taiwan, which has welcomed those who have already come and expects more.
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen last month became the first government leader anywhere to pledge measures to help Hong Kong people who leave due to what they see as tightening Chinese controls, including newly introduced national security legislation, smothering their democratic aspirations.
China denies stifling Hong Kong’s freedoms and has condemned Tsai’s offer.
Taiwan, for decades just as wary of the mainland as many in the former British colony of Hong Kong are, is working on a humanitarian relief plan for the expected arrivals, officials say.
“Hong Kong no doubt is a priority for Tsai,” a senior government official familiar with the president’s thinking told Reuters, adding that the administration was setting aside resources to handle Hong Kong people.

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