Start United States USA — China Trump Issues Tough Response to China’s Treatment of Hong Kong

Trump Issues Tough Response to China’s Treatment of Hong Kong


„Hong Kong will now be treated the same as mainland China.“
President Donald Trump, hardening his stance on China as he struggles to contain the coronavirus, said on Tuesday he signed legislation and an executive order to hold China accountable for the “oppressive” national security law it imposed on Hong Kong.
Trump, acting on a Tuesday deadline, signed a bill approved by the U. S. Congress to penalize banks doing business with Chinese officials who implement Beijing’s new national security law on Hong Kong.
He said he also signed an executive order aimed at furthering punishing China for what he called its “oppressive actions” against Hong Kong.
It will end the preferential trade treatment Hong Kong has received for years – “no special privileges, no special economic treatment and no export of sensitive technologies,” Trump told a news conference.
“Hong Kong will now be treated the same as mainland China,” he said.
According to a White House fact sheet, the executive order includes revoking special treatment for Hong Kong passport holders.

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