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Live streaming yourself stealing a Thin Blue Line flag


And now you’re famous
Hingham, Massachusetts is located on the south side of Boston right next to the bay. While the town is away from the urban center, the residents there haven’t entirely escaped their share of the current unrest that surrounds the Black Lives Matter protests and riots engulfing the country of late. In a perhaps less notable example of this phenomenon’s influence on suburbia, police were recently forced to track down two 18-year-old men who stole and defaced a Blue Lives Matter flag from one homeowner’s property. Given everything else the cops have on their plates these days, you might think it would be a miracle that they would have the time to look into something as comparatively trivial as this, to say nothing of cracking the case. But their job was clearly made easier because the vandals decided to film their activities and post them on social media where an alert neighbor spotted them. (CBS Boston) Two 18-year-old Hingham men are charged with stealing and defacing a “thin blue line” flag from a home. The two allegedly posted video of the act on social media.

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