Start United States USA — Events Two layoffs. A new job with a pay cut. And then storms...

Two layoffs. A new job with a pay cut. And then storms hit the pier.


Deborah Dillard was laid off as a sales director at a golf course in Galveston, Texas, in March, after the pandemic hit and the resort …
Deborah Dillard was laid off as a sales director at a golf course in Galveston, Texas, in March, after the pandemic hit and the resort shut down. Ms. Dillard,50, started receiving $400 a week in state unemployment benefits in April, along with a $600 federal supplement, which tided her over until the golf course called her back to work in May. She was hesitant to return because she has lupus — a disease that suppresses her immune system — and because she was offered fewer hours than she worked before. But she knew that if she refused she would lose her unemployment benefits, so she agreed.

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