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Will Donald Trump take the US 2020 election to the Supreme Court?


Many of the Trump faithful already believe that this election is being stolen.
You are browsing in private mode. To enjoy all the benefits of our website LOG IN or Create an Account In 2006 – just ten years before winning the presidency – Donald Trump threatened to sue the talk-show host Rosie O’Donnell. “She says things that come to her mouth, she’s not smart, she’s crude, she’s ignorant and to be honest I look forward to suing Rosie,” he said. “I’m gonna sue her and I look forward to it.” He did not explain his legal reasoning and added that O’Donnell would find out for what she was being sued later. The president has taken a similar approach to his attempt to win a second term in the White House. Not content with openly questioning the legitimacy of the election, baselessly declaring widespread fraud in mail-in voting, prematurely claiming victory in Pennsylvania and Michigan, and telling states to stop voting legally cast ballots, Trump is also threatening to sue. On 5 November the Trump campaign filed lawsuits to contest counting in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia. In Michigan and Pennsylvania, the campaign demanded access to voting sites to count each ballot; both campaigns have poll watchers on site doing just that. Additionally, that same day, the Trump campaign asked the Supreme Court to let it join an appeal by the Pennsylvania GOP to throw out ballots that are postmarked on or before election day but arrive up to three days after. The Supreme Court previously let stand the ballot deadline extension. On 5 November Fox News reported that the Trump campaign will also sue in Nevada over what it claims is voter fraud committed by „tens of thousands“ people who do not live in the state (incidentally, at time of writing, Biden was ahead of Trump in the state by 10,000 votes).

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