Start United States USA — software A Xiaomi Mi 11 camera feature helped me appreciate the foods I...

A Xiaomi Mi 11 camera feature helped me appreciate the foods I take for granted


I see food every single day, but the Xiaomi Mi 11 helped me view it in a different way.
It’s very easy to take food for granted – the packet-to-mouth process takes very little brain power and even if, like me, you love to cook and bake, it’s easy to view food merely as an ingredient, a piece of a puzzle, a means to an end. Recently, though, I’ve come to realize food can be a lot more beautiful than we give it credit for – and I’m not talking the beauty of a freshly-cooked five-cheese pizza, but the captivating patterns and designs of small, raw ingredients. I’ve been using the Xiaomi Mi 11 for around a week now, and one of its features has me thinking about food a lot more – and, more importantly, viewing food in a way I hadn’t before. The Xiaomi Mi 11 has the best macro camera of any smartphone I’ve tested (used for close-up snaps). Not only is its sensor higher-resolution than most, but its lens is a telemacro one, so you don’t have to hold the phone so close to the subject. As a result, you won’t find yourself blocking all the natural light with the hefty phone, as you would for another device. The upshot of this is that, not only does the Xiaomi Mi 11 take better close-up snaps than most phones, but it’s a lot easier to use too.

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