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Trump trial: The short version


Many analysts and pundits are already predicting the content, tone and outcome of former President Donald Trump‘s impeachment trial, which opens Tuesday. Some are savoring …
Many analysts and pundits are already predicting the content, tone and outcome of former President Donald Trump‘s impeachment trial, which opens Tuesday. Some are savoring the possibility of a gloomy conclusion for the 45th president. Then there are the concise few who help explain things. “After spending four years telling Americans about the need to move on from President Trump, it turns out Democrats are the ones who can’t let him go,” Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tells Fox News. “Americans can be forgiven for having impeachment fatigue and if they feel like we have been here before,” she advises. David Catron, a columnist for The American Spectator adds that “the conduct of the Democrats during the first Trump impeachment trial was truly cringeworthy. Knowing that he would never be removed from office, they produced a piece of embarrassingly bad theater for the benefit of their far-left base. The second Trump impeachment trial, due to begin Tuesday, promises to be even more schmaltzy.” “Because their claim that Trump is guilty of inciting insurrection is so thoroughly refuted by the video and transcript of his January 6 speech, the Democratic House managers will be forced to rely heavily on a montage of misleading videos edited for the convenience of the broadcast and cable networks. It will be a made-for-television impeachment trial written to manipulate the emotions of the public,” Mr. Catron writes. Then there’s this: “The odds of Donald Trump being convicted by the U.S. Senate during his second impeachment trial are 14/1, suggesting an implied probability of 6.7%. The odds that he does not get convicted are far more likely at 1/50, implying a 98% chance,” advises betting aggregators, a U.S. betting web portal, in a statement.

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