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Opinion: MLB cruising to victory in culture war over All-Star Game move from Atlanta


In the days following Major League Baseball’s move of its All-Star Game from Atlanta due to onerous voting regulations passed by state legislators and …
In the days following Major League Baseball’s move of its All-Star Game from Atlanta due to onerous voting regulations passed by state legislators and signed into law by Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, the league and others supporting the game’s relocation faced a multi-platform fusillade of criticism that might be alarming, were it not so amusing. From the halls of Congress to the cries of despair from fevered keyboard warriors frothing from their Facebook feeds, the vocal minority have shouted in unison: That Major League Baseball is now an ultra-liberal, commie-loving cabal. That it has capitulated to “wokeness,” a term already appropriated and mangled into disfigurement from its original meaning. That they shall never throw out a first pitch or attend a game again, so long as… so long as… Augusta National member Rob Manfred is still running the league. The arguments are thin, the attacks scarcely rooted in reality and they are particularly absurd for anyone who’s spent a few minutes around the game. Just who, exactly, is this woke mob within “The MLB?” Is it the players, whose clubhouse tables are often crowded with copies of Guns & Ammo and Field & Stream, and whose less-than-overwhelming acceptance of a vaccine that could preserve their season suggest an ideological lean away from the left? Is it the executives, many who run their teams with a bloodless efficiency that would make the Wal-Mart empire blush? Is it the owners, whose political contributions – even to the fringiest of politicians – are hiding in plain sight and give a fair indication which way they lean? No, baseball remains plenty conservative.

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