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Running helped me discover the best use of a 5G phone


5G has loads of different benefits, but my favorite makes working out much, much easier.
When 5G phones first started coming out, different carriers and phone brands sung its praises – its fast connection makes it great for downloading movies, its reliability makes it perfect for gaming on the go, and so on and so forth. After testing various 5G phones for well over a year, I’ve tried out all the various use cases you can think of – I’ve played Call of Duty: Mobile in the park, downloaded an entire collection of movies on my walk to the underground station (I can be picky), and tuned into video calls while out and about. But after doing all this, I’ve found my favorite benefit of 5G is none of those things, despite them being useful. It’s actually something pretty mundane: the ability to seamlessly stream music while I’m out on a run. I’m currently in the midst of a running challenge in which, using tech to track the distance, I have to run the entirety of Route 66 in two years – you can read more about this challenge here. It’s helped me notice new things about the tech I use every day, and this musical function of 5G is one of them. Some may have read my statement that ‚music streaming is my favorite use of 5G‘ and thought – ‚but you can stream music on 4G!‘.

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