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Afghan War Casualty Report: July 2021


At least 161 Afghan security forces and 24 civilians were killed in Afghanistan in the first eight days of July.
The following report compiles all significant security incidents confirmed by New York Times reporters throughout Afghanistan for the month. It is necessarily incomplete as many local officials refuse to confirm casualty information. The report includes government claims of insurgent casualty figures, but in most cases these cannot be independently verified by The Times. Similarly, the reports do not include Taliban claims for their attacks on the government unless they can be verified. Both sides routinely inflate casualty totals for their opponents. Analysis in previous reports refers to “pro-government forces” in order to include casualties for U.S. and coalition forces. Because American and NATO are withdrawing, The Times has stopped using this phrasing. It will continue to identify militias aligned with the security forces as “pro-government” to differentiate them from independent militias operating in Afghanistan. At least 161 Afghan security forces and 24 civilians were killed in the first eight days of July, as the Taliban continued their offensive to capture territory. The Taliban pushed their way into Qala-e-Naw, the provincial capital of Badghis in Afghanistan’s northwest on Wednesday, freeing prisoners there and threatening to overrun the city itself. A convoy of Afghan security forces was ambushed by The Taliban while on their way to Qala-e-Naw, leaving roughly 65 dead and 14 others wounded, though the exact number is unclear. Forty-three troops were abducted. The convoy was retreating from Moqor district when it was attacked. In Badakhshan, the Taliban attacked security outposts last Friday in the Eighth Police District in Faizabad, the provincial capital, killing seven soldiers and 14 pro-government militia members. Four pro-government militia commanders and two army commanders were among the victims. Twenty-five other security forces were abducted by the Taliban and the police district was captured. [ Read the Afghan War Casualty Report from previous weeks.] July 8 Herat Province: two police officers killed Two police officers were killed and two more wounded when the Taliban attacked security outposts in Gozarah district. July 8 Badghis Province: five civilians and two soldiers killed The Taliban pushed their way into a Qala-e-Naw, the provincial capital, on Wednesday, freeing prisoners there and threatening to overrun the city itself. The Taliban’s assault continued into Thursday. During the fighting, five civilians and two soldiers were killed and 18 civilians were wounded. The scattered fighting resumed throughout the city. July 7 Kapisa Province: two civilians killed Two civilians were killed by unknown gunmen in Kohistan district. The attackers managed to escape the area, but provincial officials say an investigation is underway. July 7 Badghis Province one civilian, two police officers and one civilian killed The Taliban attacked Qala-e-Naw, killing two police officers and one civilian prisoner, and wounding 13 civilians. The Afghan security forces conducted an airstrike to push the Taliban from the city. July 7 Ghazni Province: one police officer and one civilian killed The Taliban attacked Nawar district, killing a shepherd and one police officer and wounding six police officers. The Taliban have increased their attacks on Nawar district, but they have been pushed back. July 7 Herat Province: three soldiers killed Three soldiers were killed and two others were wounded in a Taliban ambush in Kohsan district. The troops were attacked by the Taliban while they were traveling from Herat city to Kohsan district.

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