Start United States USA — software Microsoft warns Windows users of another unpatched printing vulnerability

Microsoft warns Windows users of another unpatched printing vulnerability


Microsoft is raising awareness of a new, unpatched printing vulnerability in Windows 10, requiring physical access to a Windows PC for hackers to leverage.
Microsoft might have patched PrintNightmare in Windows, but for the second time this month, there’s yet another printer-themed vulnerability in the wild. Just detailed is a new vulnerability in the Windows Print Spooler service that could allow hackers to install programs; view, change, or delete data; and create new accounts on your PC. Though that might sound scary, it is important to note that to leverage this new vulnerability, hackers will need to execute code on a victim system. Basically, it means that a hacker would need physical access to your PC. Microsoft mentions this in the support guide for the new vulnerability, going by the name of CVE-2021-34481.

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