Start United States USA — mix Biden’s new pitch for $3.5 trillion bill: Class warfare

Biden’s new pitch for $3.5 trillion bill: Class warfare


President Joe Biden on Friday went down a seven-minute, nonsensical path to an all-too-familiar destination: class warfare.
It was an “us vs. …

President Joe Biden on Friday went down a seven-minute, nonsensical path to an all-too-familiar destination: class warfare. It was an “us vs. them,” the “billionaires vs. the plebes” pitch to justify his hefty $3.5 trillion social-spending plan. Calling it “my economic plan,” he insisted, “every element is overwhelmingly popular” — though people “don’t know what’s in it.” More, the real price tag is “zero” because tax hikes cover the cost. (And never mind, as Deroy Murdock notes, that the real hit is north of $6 trillion.) Then the zinger: “I’m tired of trickle down. Trillionaires and billionaires are doing very, very well… You all know it.

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