Start United States USA — Financial House Republicans try to inject Afghanistan oversight into annual defense bill

House Republicans try to inject Afghanistan oversight into annual defense bill


They plan to offer over 50 amendments related to Afghanistan to the annual National Defense Authorization Act.
Two days after the U.S. completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan, House Armed Services Committee Republicans plan to force Democrats to vote on ramping up congressional oversight of the region. Their vehicle for this is a major defense spending bill. Republicans plan to offer over 50 amendments related to Afghanistan to the National Defense Authorization Act Wednesday, said Congressman Mike Rogers, the ranking member on the committee. The amendments would require the administration to disclose its plan to evacuate Americans still in Afghanistan and provide an inventory of the equipment left behind in the country, said Congressman Mike Gallagher, who sits on the committee. Gallagher also said Republicans would like to approve an amendment stating the U.S. will not recognize the Taliban as a legitimate government, although such a measure would likely fall under the jurisdiction of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

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