Start United States USA — IT Facebook slowly comes back to life, with some glitches

Facebook slowly comes back to life, with some glitches


It’s not DNS. There is no way it’s just DNS. It was BGP
Facebook has struggled back online today, though at the time of writing glitches are still very much a part of The Social Network™ experience. WhatsApp and Facebook became available to users at around 2210 UTC on October 4 after falling off the internet some six or so hours prior. Instagram and Facebook Messenger should be not far behind. In the past hour, Facebook tweeted: „To the huge community of people and businesses around the world who depend on us: we’re sorry. We’ve been working hard to restore access to our apps and services and are happy to report they are coming back online now. Thank you for bearing with us.“ CTO Mike Schroepfer earlier said: „Sincere apologies to everyone impacted by outages of Facebook powered services right now. We are experiencing networking issues and teams are working as fast as possible to debug and restore as fast as possible.“ Founder Mark Zuckerberg chimed in: „Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger are coming back online now. Sorry for the disruption today – I know how much you rely on our services to stay connected with the people you care about.“ His otherwise most recent missive was a video of him on a yacht. The Register staff in the United States and Australia have experienced different levels of service since the resumption. One Vulture in the USA was able to post to Facebook without issue. Antipodean staff were unable to post and saw errors such as the following… Attempts to view notifications produced a “query error” dialog.

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