Start United States USA — software AT&T Reveals Malware Targeting Millions of Routers, IoT Devices

AT&T Reveals Malware Targeting Millions of Routers, IoT Devices


The malware, BotenaGo, has more than 30 different functions.
AT&T has revealed malware that could affect millions of routers and Internet of Things devices. The company’s Alien Labs threat intelligence unit dubbed the malware BotenaGo because it’s written in Go, a programming language that Google designed specifically with networking in mind. It’s also capable of creating botnets that function across a variety of device types. AT&T Alien Labs says BotenaGo can exploit up to 30 different vulnerabilities against its targets. The company used Shodan, a search engine used to look up internet-connected devices, to determine that millions of devices could be affected by at least some of the malware’s functions.

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