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Good News and Bad News, Pivot and Turn – Day 6: Building DDTJ


Had to refactor the code and pivot concepts multiple times to get it working. Now I’m facing performance and possibly reliability problems for tomorrow
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. Last week I spent 5 days building and designing the DDTJ project. Hopefully, I’ll complete the MVP by this weekend. As we left the series last week, I was stuck. This week there’s a bit of an improvement. There are a lot of variations on the good news/bad news joke. I’m sure you all know some form of it. Here’s a programming oriented one: Developer: So, i have good news and bad news Manager: What’s the good news? Developer: I’ve discovered that the „5 second rule“ only applies to food Manager: And the bad news? Developer: I dropped our tables In that spirit, I’ve made some progress and we are now collecting some data. The bad news: I had to throw away a lot of concepts and performance is roughly 700x worse than without our instrumentation. Ugh. Last week I was still modeling the objects stored locally when debugging the remote VM. As you may recall, the debug API needs to copy objects locally so we can, later on, analyze them. We can’t leave this in the target VM as the data will get lost as the VM continues. I created a data model and implemented a debugger of sorts that effectively automatically debugs the application and stores all the data. Unfortunately, this isn’t as simple as one would hope. Initially, I thought I’d use the step over API to review individual lines.

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