Start United States USA — IT Sony's next-gen VR system for the PS5 will use a single-cord setup...

Sony's next-gen VR system for the PS5 will use a single-cord setup to deliver 4K HDR gaming at 90/120Hz


Sony’s official specs for the PS VR2 are pretty much in line with rumors reported in May last year. The company’s next-gen VR system will offer a…
Something to look forward to: We still don’t know what the PS5’s virtual companion will cost, nor when it’s arriving. However, Sony shared some useful info about the upcoming hardware at CES, confirming names for the headset and controllers, as well as detailing their specs and features that will enable 4K HDR gaming with foveated rendering and 90/120Hz refresh rates. Sony also shared a glimpse of a new Horizon-based VR title currently in the works for the PS VR2. Sony’s official specs for the PS VR2 are pretty much in line with rumors reported in May last year. The company’s next-gen VR system will offer a 4K OLED HDR gaming experience, with 2,000 x 2,040 pixels refreshing at 90/120Hz per eye.

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