Start United States USA — software Apple patent describes a Mac that fits inside a keyboard

Apple patent describes a Mac that fits inside a keyboard


The latest Apple patent to be published shows a keyboard that doubles up as a computer you can carry around with you.
Ideas outlined in patents don’t always end up becoming actual products, but they can give us an interesting insight into what tech companies could be working on – and it would seem Apple is developing a Mac that fits inside a keyboard. This is based on a patent spotted by Patently Apple (via 9to5Mac), entitled Computer In An Input Device. Essentially, the key components – processor, memory, storage – all get embedded inside a keyboard. The idea is that you could take this keyboard with you as you move between the home and the office (or wherever it is that you need a computer), plug it into a display, and load up macOS. It’s sort of a Mac mini, in a keyboard shape. Obviously, packing everything inside a keyboard means there are going to be constraints in terms of performance, local storage, and so on.

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