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Solutions to common remote working endpoint security challenges


Endpoint security is something that should concern organizations of all sizes. Every corporate network is at risk from hackers, organized crime, and malicious threats.
Endpoint security is something that should concern organizations of all sizes. Every corporate network is at risk from hackers, organized crime, and malicious threats; even if employees only work remotely on a part-time basis, it is essential that the right protective measures are in place in order to secure employee devices. This presents a unique challenge for IT departments, with pressure not only from changing trends in the workplace, but also the rising levels of cybercrime that show no sign of slowing down. In 2021, weekly cyberattacks on corporate networks were up 50% compared to 2020. The average data breach costs $4.24 million, and there could be very real consequences if endpoint security isn’t more than just an afterthought of an IT policy. Here are just some of the key IT challenges – and actionable solutions – that come with remote working. Whereas sensitive conversations could historically have taken place across a desk or in a boardroom, remote teams have no option but to share information virtually. All digital communication mediums – such as instant messengers, emails, cloud documents and video conferencing – are susceptible to attack. The average employee receives 14 malicious emails per year and, in an analysis of 13 popular video-chatting applications, the US National Security Agency (NSA) concluded that every single one had a security deficiency. The most immediate solution to this is to enforce password protection on all virtual meetings and communications. Employee devices can also be enrolled onto a mobile device management (MDM) solution. This allows IT departments to monitor the level of protection on those devices and mitigate risks by deploying security patches, software updates and ensuring baseline security controls are enabled.

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