Start United States USA — software To err is human. To really tmux it up requires an engineer

To err is human. To really tmux it up requires an engineer


The unbearable persistence of data
Who, Me? A reminder to check and check again in today’s Who, Me? as a Register reader learns the true meaning of persistence. The latest confession comes from an exotic South American city and one of the country’s many ISPs. Our reader, helpfully Regomised as „Paolo“, was an engineer working for the company and, as is the case for so many of us in the IT world, a wearer of multiple hats. Not to worry though, thanks to tmux (a terminal multiplexer) he had everything at his fingertips. Consoles for different servers, BGP and ERP settings, FTP and so on. Over his 10 or so tmux sessions he had pretty much every acronym nailed down and was god of all he surveyed. The event in question took place on a Friday evening, which is when everyone does all their best work. The office was closing up – engineers were heading off into the night to do what engineers do with their time off. In between his tmux juggling, Paolo kept an eye on the clock as the big hand neared the 12 and the little hand settled on the 5.

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