Start United States USA — software Cloud Security Is a Shared Partnership

Cloud Security Is a Shared Partnership


Here are tips on how to build and maintain robust security models.
Cloud security is a shared responsibility between the businesses leveraging the cloud and their cloud service providers. To ward off cybersecurity threats, it’s critical that both thoroughly understand how to build and maintain robust security models and work closely in tandem to do so. Businesses and their cloud providers must ensure that security within the cloud is properly integrated into evolving business models as they look to the cloud to re-shape operations and enable greater agility — and that they agree on the fundamental principles of cloud security and how the different parties bear and share responsibility. “As a form of contractual security, the cloud consumer accepts responsibility for implementing sound security governance for the layers with direct control, and the cloud provider accepts responsibility for the remaining layers,” says Paul Lewis, CTO of Pythian, an IT services company that supports customized cloud solutions. “Considering the various technology models available, this might be a pretty wide spectrum partnership.

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