Netflix Games new releases for March 2022 include This is a True Story, Shatter Remastered, and Into The Dead 2: Unleashed.
For the past several months, Netflix has been steadily expanding its selection of free mobile games for subscribers. Netflix Games initially launched on Android last November before its arrival on iOS days later. At the time, there were only five free games available, including the two based on the Netflix original series Stranger Things. As of last month, the Netflix Games library had grown to 14 titles, and even more arrived in March. Netflix Games adds three new mobile titles to its library in March: This is a True Story, Shatter Remastered, and Into The Dead 2: Unleashed. If you’re on Android, there’s a games row and a games tab in the Netflix app. You can download the games directly from there. There’s only a dedicated games row on iOS, but it will also let you select games to download.