Start United States USA — Japan Friends of Japanese journalist demand his release in Myanmar

Friends of Japanese journalist demand his release in Myanmar


Friends of Toru Kubota, a Japanese journalist detained in military-ruled Myanmar while covering a protest, called for his immediate release Wednesday and an online petition has collected more than 41,000 signatures.
The documentary filmmaker was arrested Saturday in Yangon by plainclothes security forces while taking photos of about a dozen protesters, according to his supporters and a witness who spoke with The Associated Press.
The Japanese government, which has condemned human rights violations in Myanmar, confirmed a Japanese in his 20s was detained. It says it’s working for his release.
A report by Japanese public broadcaster NHK quoted a spokesman for the military government as confirming Kubota was in custody and under investigation, while saying his release remains uncertain.
Myanmar’s army seized power in February last year by ousting the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, and has cracked down on dissent, killing and arresting thousands of people. Most of the more than 50 journalists detained in Myanmar face charges of causing fear, spreading false news or agitating against a government employee, which carry penalties of up to three years in prison.

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