Start United States USA — IT Antifouling coatings can reduce algal growth while preserving coral settlement

Antifouling coatings can reduce algal growth while preserving coral settlement


When algae, mussels or barnacles settle on ship hulls, this can lead to billions of euros worth of damage. To counteract this, surfaces are treated with antifouling coatings. A scientist at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) has now investigated the extent to which newly developed antifouling coatings could be used to curb algal growth, which often affects coral larvae as they settle and develop. The results of the study were published in the journal Scientific Reports.
When algae, mussels or barnacles settle on ship hulls, this can lead to billions of euros worth of damage. To counteract this, surfaces are treated with antifouling coatings. A scientist at the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) has now investigated the extent to which newly developed antifouling coatings could be used to curb algal growth, which often affects coral larvae as they settle and develop. The results of the study were published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Tropical coral reefs are under increasing pressure from ocean warming and acidification, marine pollution, dynamite fishing and other human activities in coastal areas. For reefs to recover and become more resilient, stony coral reproduction and the dispersal and settlement of their larvae must succeed.
In the process, the larvae are exposed to several dangers: they have predators such as fish and brittle stars, stirred-up marine sediment prevents their settlement, or algae dispute suitable settlement sites.

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