Start United States USA — Political Liz Truss could be ousted ‘within days’ after Kwasi Kwarteng sacking fails...

Liz Truss could be ousted ‘within days’ after Kwasi Kwarteng sacking fails to pacify Tory MPs


Liz Truss could be removed as British prime minister within “days or weeks” after a botched attempt to shore up her tottering premiership by sacking her chancellor and U-turning on one of her flagship policies, Conservative MPs believe.
Liz Truss could be removed as British prime minister within “days or weeks” after a botched attempt to shore up her tottering premiership by sacking her chancellor and U-turning on one of her flagship policies, Conservative MPs believe.
Expectation in Westminster is that a group of Tory grandees will visit Ms Truss, possibly as early as next week, to inform her that crumbling support on the backbenches means “the game is up” and she should consider her position.
In dramatic scenes, Ms Truss fired her close ally Kwasi Kwarteng, installing Jeremy Hunt as chancellor in his place in a bid to calm the markets.
She then went before the TV cameras to announce she will go ahead with the 6p hike in corporation tax she had previously vowed to cancel.
But her eight-minute press conference, in which she took just four questions, was greeted with dismay by Tories, with one describing it as “agony” and another “shockingly bad”.

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