Start United States USA — IT NASA Performs Dangerous Vacuum Gun Test To Research Space Rock Impact Protection

NASA Performs Dangerous Vacuum Gun Test To Research Space Rock Impact Protection


NASA used a 2-stage light gas gun that fires bullets 25 times faster than a 44 Magnum ahead of Mars Sample Return mission.
In order to test for possible micrometeorites impacting a spacecraft, NASA is utilizing a 2-stage light gas gun to simulate potential hazards for future space missions. The test fires a bullet with a speed that is equal to 25 times the velocity of a 44 magnum, or like flying from New York to San Francisco in five minutes.NASA is currently preparing for its Mars Sample Return mission. The mission is aimed at bringing samples collected by the Mars Perseverance rover back to Earth. The space agency is expected to launch its retrieval craft in 2027, and land on the Red Planet in 2028. But before a it is sent to retrieve any sample, NASA is performing tests to try and prevent any damage that might occur from micrometeorites.Micrometeorites can travel at a speed of 50 miles per second.

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