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Progressives go on damage control after Ukraine diplomacy letter


House progressives are doing damage control after retreating from a letter that stirred outrage among Democrats by questioning President Biden’s handling of the Russia-Ukraine war two weeks before the midterm elections.
The letter, blamed Tuesday on poor staff work, raised questions about the political acumen of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and its leader, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), who is eyeing a run at leadership in the next Congress. 
“The letter was drafted several months ago, but unfortunately was released by staff without vetting. As Chair of the Caucus, I accept responsibility for this,” Jayapal wrote in a Tuesday statement. 
The letter, which asked Biden to explore diplomacy with Russia to end the war, muddled the Democrats’ message that a GOP takeover of the House could undermine U.S. unity behind Ukraine.
Just last week, Democrats had blasted House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) for saying there would be no “blank check” for Ukraine from a GOP House, a statement that led to pushback from various Republicans including former Vice President Mike Pence. 
“I believe in the power of diplomacy, and I believe it’s always better to talk to people than not,” said Jim Manley, who served as a senior adviser to the late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). “But a key part of diplomacy is timing. And the timing here is absolutely lousy.”
“It’s embarrassing for the signers, it undercuts not only the administration but the Ukrainians at a key moment in time,” he added. 
It also gave a political gift of sorts to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who wants to put pressure on Ukraine’s government to make concessions to Moscow. Putin illegally annexed four territories in eastern Ukraine after what much of the international community called “sham” elections. The annexations came as Russia has lost territory amid a Ukrainian counteroffensive. 
The success of that counteroffensive has left Ukraine in no mood to offer concessions to Russia, which is the aggressor in the war and in 2014 invaded and annexed the region of Crimea from Ukraine. And the Biden administration has said arming Ukraine is the best way to strengthen Kyiv’s hand in eventual negotiations.

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