Meta-owned instant messaging platform WhatsApp would end support for select smartphones across brands, including Apple and Samsung, starting December 31. It is not the first time that the company is pulling out its support, and it does so for smartphones that are either obsolete or running on old or outdated operating systems.
Currently, WhatsApp supports Android version 4.1 and above, iOS 12 and above, and KaiOS 2.5.0 and above. From December 31, it would stop working on Android smartphones that are running on versions released before Android 5.0 (Lollipop). Likewise, the support would end for iPhones running iOS 10 and 11.
According to news reports, the following smartphones would not receive any updates, including new features and security patches, from next year.
United States
USA — IT WhatsApp to end support for these Android, iOS smartphones from December 31