To no one’s surprise, OnePlus‘ next phone is called the OnePlus 11 5G. It’s currently available in China, and the phone is set to launch globally on Feb. 7. It follows last year’s pretty great OnePlus 10 Pro and comes on the heels of the OnePlus 10T which left a bad taste in our mouths because of its questionable compromises and a confusing value proposition.
Lucky for us, OnePlus provided a peek at the 11 back in December. And now, the new phone is on full display on OnePlus China’s website. After devouring it with the help of Google Translate, I am reminded of a line Leonardo DiCaprio’s character says in the film Django Unchained.
„Gentlemen, you had my curiosity. But now you have my attention.“
I already had high hopes for the 11 because it would be the third-generation phone to be released during OnePlus‘ partnership with the iconic camera company Hasselblad. Up to now, Hasselblad’s influence has largely been behind-the-scenes with camera tuning and nifty software features like the Xpan panoramic-style. The OnePlus 11 could be the first time we see actual new camera hardware resulting from the partnership.
I should also point out that details and nuance can be lost in translation, so please keep that in mind as you read on.The OnePlus 11 looks fantastic
The 11’s design picks up where the 10 Pro left off. Translated, the site states that the OnePlus 11’s look was inspired by a „black hole in science fiction.“ But instead of a square-ish camera bump found on the 10 Pro, the 11’s is circular on top with tapered sides that flow into the edge of the phone. It’s reminiscent of a clasp on a leather attaché. When the phone is in landscape, the camera bump’s shape looks almost like the silhouette of Darth Vader’s helmet.
The site shows off the phone in two colors. There is a matte green color, that isn’t quite British racing green, and a textured black finish, which according to translated text is „silk glass.“ I gather this means the finish looks textured but to the touch is just flat glass.
My CNET colleague Andrew Lanxon got his hands on a OnePlus 11. While we have to wait a bit to hear his thoughts about testing it, he did share some photos of the phone on Twitter.