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Nvidia says ChatGPT is AI's ‘iPhone moment’, but I’m not convinced


Nvidia is on the ChatGPT hype train, but is the AI chatbot really that revolutionary?
It’s fair to say that ChatGPT, an Artificial Intelligence chatbot that can reply to user questions in an impressively human-like way, has made quite a splash, especially recently with Microsoft baking it into its Bing search engine.
The potential for the technology to make a huge impact on how we search the internet, and even how new content is created, has certainly got a lot of people excited – including Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, who likened ChatGPT to the launch of the iPhone.
Regardless of what you think of Apple, you can’t deny that when the iPhone was unveiled back in 2007, it revolutionized the smartphone market, which makes Huang’s comments at Berkeley Haas University certainly notable.
In a question and answer session with students at the university (which you can view below), Huang noted that not only was ChatGPT incredibly popular, but the way people were using it for such different things is what makes the tech so exciting.
“When was the last time we saw a piece of technology that is so versatile that it can solve problems and surprise people in so many ways so often?” Huang asked in response to a question about his thoughts on ChatGPT. “It can write a poem of course, it could fill out a spreadsheet, it can write a SQL query and do a SQL query, it can write python code, it can write Verilog.”
The sheer scope of ChatGPT’s potential, and the fact that it has inspired a large number of people to start creating diverse tools that use it, has led Huang to believe that this “is the iPhone moment of artificial intelligence. This is the time when all those ideas within mobile computing and all that, it all came together in a product that everyone [can see the potential of].”
The iPhone launch laid the groundwork for the App Store (which arrived alongside the iPhone 3G), and Huang highlights that as being particularly important as it allowed people to write “something and took about a couple of weekends and they have a piece of software that they can download from the app store.

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