Start United States USA — mix Trump casts the 2024 election as ‘the final battle’

Trump casts the 2024 election as ‘the final battle’


Former President Donald Trump said the fate of the nation is on the line in the 2024 election, framing the race for the White House as a day of reckoning.
Closing out the annual Conservative Political Action Conference on the outskirts of Washington, Mr. Trump warned the crowd that they are fighting against “sinister forces” that want to destroy the nation and control their lives.
“This is the final battle, they know it, I know it, everybody knows it, this is it – either they win or we win, and if they win we no longer have a country,” Mr. Trump said in the nearly two-hour speech.
Mr. Trump said if their political rivals succeed, they will turn the nation into a “socialist dumping ground for criminals, junkies, Marxists, thugs, radical and dangerous refugees that no other country wants.”
Mr. Trump has other plans in store.
“We are going to finish what we started,” he told an enthusiastic CPAC crowd. “We are going to complete the mission. We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.”
Mr.Trump’s appearance was the highlight of the four-day confab. The event attracted hoards of conservative leaders and activists from across the country who believe the former president gives them their strongest chance of ousting President Biden next year.
Mr. Trump promised the rapt audience that, if re-elected, he would ensure the so-called deep state would not work against him as many believe it did during his administration.
Mr. Trump touted himself as a candidate with the experience needed to tackle the pitfalls of the presidency, including knowing who to distrust. 
“I will totally obliterate the deep state,” Mr. Trump said. “I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponized our justice system like it has never been weaponized before. These are sick people.”
Mr. Trump said the Biden administration is “the most corrupt in American history,” and he pledged, if re-elected, he would seek revenge.
“In 2016, I declared I am your voice,” Mr. Trump said. “Today, I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution. I am your retribution.”
He also promised the crowd that he would “never retreat” and always continue to fight on their behalf, including by ridding the federal government of diversity, equity and inclusion policies and restoring parental rights in education. 
He also took a shot at his own party, which is deeply split over his role and whether he should hold office again. Aiming at past party leaders, Mr.

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