Start United States USA — Political 'Very unlikely' foreign adversary is behind Havana syndrome, US intelligence agencies say

'Very unlikely' foreign adversary is behind Havana syndrome, US intelligence agencies say


Cuba and Russia were among the countries blamed for the mysterious symptoms, but a report finds that undiagnosed illnesses and environmental factors were more likely culprits.
It is „very unlikely“ that foreign adversaries are to blame for the so-called „Havana syndrome“, US intelligence agencies have concluded.
The findings are part of a report released this week which sought to explain the hundreds of cases of brain injuries and other symptoms reported by American personnel around the world.
Seven US agencies looked at roughly 1,500 cases in 96 countries but found many of these were „probably“ due to things such as undiagnosed illness, malfunctioning air-conditioning, or electromagnetic waves coming from harmless devices such as a computer mouse.
The report’s authors also uncovered evidence that foreign countries were not involved – in some cases the US found its enemies were confused about the allegations, with some of them thinking that Havana syndrome was an American plot.
They found „no credible evidence“ that any adversary had acquired a weapon, such as a directed energy beam, that could cause the symptoms reported by people, or a listening device that might hurt people.

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