Start United States USA — software Techie called out to customer ASAP, then: Do nothing

Techie called out to customer ASAP, then: Do nothing


Service level agreement should really specify services, not just arrivals
On Call Welcome once again to On Call, The Register’s weekly reader-contributed tales of futile and furtive tech support chores.
This week, meet a reader we’ll Regomize as „Paul“ who shared a story about the time his phone rang and he was asked if he could travel to provide tech support on a customer’s site – which was about an hour away by road – within an hour.
Paul said he could. Just. If the deities of driving cleared a path.
He then inquired about the nature of the job, but was told that information would be divulged by a colleague upon his arrival.
Which is unusual because while Paul is almost certainly terribly clever, it’s customary to make sure that the person sent to provide support has the skills needed to do the job.

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