Start United States USA — Criminal Federal agents placed on standby in case of riots as Title 42...

Federal agents placed on standby in case of riots as Title 42 ends


After days of panic, with thousands of migrants crossing over the southern border in a last minute attempt to claim asylum before the rules changed, Title 42 has ended.
In the final hours before the pandemic-era measure expired, forces along the border fortified their posts with barbed wire, concrete barriers and heavily armed teams patrolling their front lines.
Agents in tactical gear also performed rehearsals for how to deal with rioters or mobs, should migrants attempt to descend en masse across the border.
Federal agents also remain on standby in case of riots, sources told The Post.
Despite Customs and Border Patrol apprehending over 10,000 people daily this week, there were an estimated 155,000 people still waiting in north Mexico with the intention of making it into the US, according to CNN.
Texas officials had warned of up to 13,000 people a day attempting to make it into the US after Title 42 ended.
Asylum seekers will now be processed under the earlier Title 8 measure instead.
As the sun set Thursday in Brownsville, Texas, groups of women and children were being helped across the Rio Grande river which serves as the international boundary.
Some paid 100 Mexican pesos for their children to be escorted over the river on rafts, sources told The Post, adding that they were all being admitted into the US — some of the last to be allowed in the country before new rules took place.
On the opposite side of the Border in San Diego, California, border patrol separated migrants from countries as diverse as Nepal, Jamaica, Bolivia and various African nations into groups Thursday.
They then issued them colored arm tags and began processing them.

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