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Here’s what they are saying about North Carolina General Assembly’s veto override to change abortion law


Reaction came in quickly from various sources across the political spectrum about what lawmakers‘ rebuke of Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto means.
The votes by the North Carolina General Assembly on Tuesday to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of Senate Bill 20 – the last that changes access to elective abortion from 20 weeks to 12 – draw quick and intense reaction from observers across the political spectrum.
Some of the reactions were transmitted virtually before the votes – party-line votes first in the Senate and then in the House – were announced.
Here is a sampling of that reaction.
“Strong majorities of North Carolinians don’t want right-wing politicians in the exam room with women and their doctors, which is even more understandable today after several Republican lawmakers broke their promises to protect women’s reproductive freedom.
“For the last two weeks, Republican sponsors of this abortion ban have strenuously argued that it is much less restrictive than we warned, so we will now do everything in our power to make sure that’s true. 
“North Carolinians now understand that Republicans are unified in their assault on women’s reproductive freedom and we are energized to fight back on this and other critical issues facing our state. I will continue doing everything I can to protect abortion access in North Carolina because women’s lives depend on it.”
“Today will go down as a shameful loss of freedom in our state. But make no mistake — this is only the beginning. In 2024, we’re up against politicians like Mark Robinson who want to make abortion illegal for any reason even in cases of rape or incest. Over the next 16 months and next November, we must choose freedom and we must win elections.”
“Today, North Carolina Republican’s acted against the medical advice of over 1,500 North Carolina physicians to impose burdensome restrictions on abortion care and strip away women’s freedom to make private medical decisions.
“The vague and unnecessary restrictions will criminalize physicians and restrict their ability to offer timely medical care to their patients. The licensing restrictions for abortion care providers will force nearly half of the clinics in the state to shut down – limiting access to birth control, pap smears, and breast and cervical cancer screenings. It will also lead to physician and OB/GYN shortages, placing care for many women further out of reach. 
“There can be no doubt this will harm women’s health. It will also have economic consequences; encouraging businesses to settle in neighboring states where arduous health care restrictions that limit employee recruitment and retention aren’t present.
“I’ll continue to fight to codify the right to abortion into federal law. I’m also preparing to reintroduce my Right to Contraception Act, legislation to codify the right for every American to access FDA-approved birth control methods. This is critical considering the North Carolina Senate included a measure in the budget released today that blocks state funding for birth control at any clinic that provides abortions,”
“I am proud that the House has overridden the governor’s veto of this meaningful, mainstream legislation. Senate Bill 20 will save lives and provide needed support for women and families while putting North Carolina’s abortion law in line with the most of rest of the free world. Today the North Carolina House of Representatives has affirmed the value of human life, and I am proud that the ‘Care for Women, Children, and Families Act’ is now law.”
“This is a monumental moment for women, children, and families in North Carolina. Our bill puts to rest all of the noise and lies we’ve been hearing this past week, and brings to life a culture that cherishes motherhood and saves the lives of the unborn.”
“I understand that there are extremists on both sides of the abortion issue. Some of the absolutists believe abortion is unacceptable in any circumstance and some of the absolutists believe aborting a perfectly healthy child in the 40th week of pregnancy is morally acceptable.

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