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Diablo 4 Bone Spirit Necromancer Build Guide


The Bone Spirit Necromancer is one of the most powerful builds for the Necromancer class in Diablo 4. Here is how you can make it too!
The Bone Spirit Necromancer build is so powerful that you can use it to eliminate even the most formidable enemies with a single hit in Diablo 4. This build will make you the deadliest Necromancer player in the game. 
The inclusion of Bone Spirit means having the skill with the most extensive damage multiplier as Necromancer. This will take your critical strike chance to a whopping 100 percent during combat.
Even the only drawback this build has is the limited attack radius is overcome by making the correct skill selection from the Necromancer skill tree. With those skills, you can pull your enemies into one location before unleashing your attacks to wipe them out. 
This is an end-game build so you’ll have many gear, utility skills, and Paragon board options. Moreover, you will find tons of similarities between the Bone Spirit build, and Bone Spear Necromancer build in D4. It also is quite similar to the Infinimist Necromancer build and you just have to change one or two skills to transition into the Bone Spear build.
So all these builds provide you with some serious damage and cater to different situations in Diablo 4. 
Skill Tree Distribution
Book of the Dead
Gameplay and Skill Rotations
Gems, Stats, and Modifiers
Legendary Aspects
Unique Items
Paragon Boards and Glyphs
Elixir and Incense Skill Tree Distribution 
The first step to creating the Bone Spirit Necromancer build in Diablo 4 is selecting the required skills. With the allocation of these skills, you can quickly move past most obstacles and clear nightmare dungeons with ease. 
You will have tons of flexibility in several aspects of this build, making the Bone Spirit Necromancer build very efficient during several scenarios in D4.
Moreover, the skill distribution will make your character powerful on both ends: offensively and defensively. Additionally, you will have enough AoE damage to clear hoards of enemies in Diablo 4. 
We have mentioned the active skills, passives, and modifiers below that you should follow to create the highest damaging endgame Bone Spirit Necromancer build in D4. 
Reap (1/5)
Enhanced Reap 

Acolyte’s Reap
Unliving Legacy (3/3) 
Hewed Flesh (3/3) 
Blood Mist (1/5)
Corpse Explosion (1/5) 

Enhanced Corpse Explosion 

Blighted Corpse Explosion 
Grim Harvest (3/3) 
Fueled by Death (2/3) 
Decrepify (1/5)
Enhanced Decrepify 

Abhorrent Decrepify 
Death’s Embrace (3/3) 
Corpse Tendrils (5/5)
Enhanced Corpse Tendrils 

Plague Corpse Tendrils 
Bone Spirit (5/5)
Enhanced Bone Spirit 

Dreadful Bone Spirit 
Reaper’s Pursuit (1/3) 
Crippling Darkness (1/3) 
Serration (3/3) 
Compound Fracture (1/3) 
Evulsion (3/3) 
Rapid Ossification (1/3) 
Bone Storm
Prime Bone Storm 

Supreme Bone Storm 
Stand Alone (3/3) 
Memento Mori (3/3) 
Inspiring Leader (3/3) 
Ossified Essence Unlock Order 
In this build, we are going to be utilizing all the active skills to inflict damage on our enemies in Diablo 4. So we will need to invest skills points in all these skills from the start to build the perfect Bone Spirit Necromancer build in Diablo 4. 
Reap is the basic skill to generate essence in this build. The essence is a critical factor for this build. This skill will allow you to generate enough essence during Dire situations to spam your other active skills in D4. The modifier of Reap allows you to generate Corpses crucial for the Corpse Tendrils skill. 
Our primary damage comes from the Bone Spirit skill. The skill consumes all the essence and deals massive damage to the surrounding foes. You will be going all in with this skill, and you can stack your critical strike chance to 100 percent.
Corpse Explosion is a very handy skill that you can use without any resources. With the use of its Blighted modifier, you can inflict shadow damage over a period in a specific radius. Moreover, it provides you with the window to recharge your essence so you can go all in again with your Bone Spirit skill. 
The Bone Spirit Necromancer build is incomplete without the Corpse Tendrils in Diablo 4. Having CC in the game is the best skill, as you can stun and apply Vulnerable on the enemies through this skill.

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