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House passes controversial Defense bill after clashes over abortion, climate change and Ukraine policies


House Republicans passed the National Defense Authorization Act after GOP leadership made several concessions to the right flank of the party in a big gamble.
The legislation passed 219-210.
Members of the House Freedom Caucus, some of the most conservative lawmakers in the chamber, pressured McCarthy to hold last-minute floor votes on several contentious amendments, ranging from targeting the Pentagon’s abortion policy to reeling back climate change initiatives. Despite the infighting, House Republicans managed to push through the NDAA without much Democratic support.
The amendments endangered final passage of the legislation, a must-pass defense bill that sets the Pentagon’s policy agenda and authorizes how the Defense Department uses federal funding. The NDAA has traditionally passed with bipartisan support, but some conservative amendments have alienated Democratic lawmakers from supporting the final version this year.
“I shy away from appease, assuage and all this stuff,” Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, told reporters Wednesday, dismissing the idea the amendments could have scared away crucial votes. “Every member of the body has the right to offer amendments.” What amendments were House conservatives trying to push?
Among some of the pain points for House conservatives:
Abortion: An amendment offered by Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, would dismantle a Pentagon policy reimbursing out-of-state travel for service members who receive abortions. This is one of the most popular amendments among House conservatives, with over 70 co-sponsors. Republicans passed the measure on a mostly party line vote of 221-213.

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