Start United States USA — IT Rumors Of A Massive Internet Apocalypse Triggered By Solar Storms Are Greatly...

Rumors Of A Massive Internet Apocalypse Triggered By Solar Storms Are Greatly Exaggerated


The author of the study said she regrets using the phrase ‚internet apocalypse‘ and that it ‚just got too much attention.‘
The internet has been abuzz with warnings that an extremely strong solar storm could cause an ‚internet apocalypse‘. The author of a 2021 study, Solar Superstorms: Planning for an Internet Apocalypse, where the term ‚internet apocalypse‘ is often pulled from, has since said she regrets using the phrase and that the study „just got too much attention.“
Sangeetha Abdu Jyuothi submitted a study in 2021 that looked into how to prepare for a possible „black swan“ event, namely an „internet apocalypse“. She postulated that the daily lives of all humans could be significnatly impacted by a massive solar superstorm causing large-scale internet outages across the globe, lasting up to several months. Jyouthi likened an event of this nature to the recent pandemic, which triggered a tumultuous period that is still affecting us to this day.
The use of the phrase ‚internet apocalypse‘ was resurrected recently in a new study concerning data collected by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe.

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