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Can the Trump-Hating Psycho Prosecutors Be Stopped?


Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Chedvald was determined to forever be remembered as the spiritual godfather of avant-garde Jell-O mime.

Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Chedvald was determined to forever be remembered as the spiritual godfather of avant-garde Jell-O mime.
Welcome to the unhinged American progressive remake of “Groundhog Day” as a political nightmare. Here is Athena’s succinct and perfect explanation of the plot:
In what has now become emblematic of the moral and societal implosion of the United States of America at the hands of the radical Leftists running the Establishment, former President and front-running presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has turned himself in and been arraigned at the Fulton County jail in Atlanta.
I’m sure that I’ve written this before, but it bears repeating: this is wearisome. A once-great country is being subjected to the manifestation of the emotional imbalance that’s brought on by being progressive. I wrote in my classic book “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” that progressivism is “the toddler mindset manifested in adulthood.”
What we are seeing from these Trump-hating prosecutors is a lot of snot-bubble tantrum acting out.
Athena puts it a bit more eloquently:
In a fairer time, drastic measures such as politicized hate impeachments, raiding former presidents’ private residences, and abusing governmental powers to maliciously prosecute one’s front-running political opponents were frowned upon. Sadly, today’s far-left Democrats are so militant and radical that no norm is too venerable for them to wipe their backsides with.
Sadly, this country will almost certainly never see a “fairer time” again. The best we can hope for now is probably “more medicated.”
I would like to think that there will eventually be some backlash for the myriad ills the leftists have visited upon this country, especially in the last three years. Frequent readers here know that I often lament the fact that the Democrats never get any comeuppance these days. There is just enough boyish optimism left in me that I hold out some hope that will change.
Most respected legal analysis of the various charges against Trump agree that the law has been twisted into something unrecognizable in order to “get” him. From a layperson’s viewpoint, the Fulton County charges seem to be particularly awful, as does its district attorney, Fani Willis. Republicans in the House of Representatives have some questions about her motives, which Chris wrote about:
Now that Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney Fani Willis has turned all eyes toward her courthouse in Atlanta, the House Judiciary Committee has its eyes on her.

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