Start United States USA — IT 5 Of The Strangest Tools In The Snap-On Tools Catalog

5 Of The Strangest Tools In The Snap-On Tools Catalog


Snap-On is best known for its toolboxes and toolkits, but it also offers standalone products that range from strangely useful to oddly specific.
Snap-On tools are decidedly for professionals or hobbyists who have serious cash. Just a 92-piece 3/8-inch socket set will set you back $3,630. To be fair to Snap-On, the vast majority of the brand’s tools and toolboxes are made in the United States, which contributes to the high cost. The brand is also known for its impeccable customer service. Few other tool brands will send out a representative and accompanying truck to help you replace broken or damaged tools — there’s a reason why the Snap-On truck is so iconic.
Given the brand’s professional and more specific clientele than a brand like Husky or Ryobi with mass market appeal, Snap-On doesn’t have too many tools that are outright weird or wacky. That said, hidden deep within Snap-On’s very vast catalog, there are a few items that stick out as either downright strange or so incredibly specific that it makes you scratch your head a little. Landing Gear Socket Wrench
Even more so than cars, aircraft need dedicated mechanics to keep flying safely and efficiently. While a car can mostly get away with skipping a tune-up or service here or there, that is absolutely not the case with your average plane. Aircraft maintenance is also significantly more regulated and particular than an average car’s maintenance regimen. As such, you need a good set of tools to do the job and Snap-On often fits the bill.
Snap-On item LGSW125 is one such tool. It is a landing gear socket wrench, specifically for the bolts that hold the landing gear together on the Embraer 190, a Brazilian passenger jet. It’s not too strange that Snap-On makes the tool — after all, someone has to make it. But it is strange that it’s the only aircraft socket wrench on Snap-On’s site. There are no specific tools for other popular airliner brands like Boeing or Airbus. With that said, if you really need that socket wrench for emergency work on your airliner, it is priced at $134.Railroad Torque Socket
Diesel electric locomotives are very powerful and extremely heavy.

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