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Will it be the Obama woman replacing Biden on ballot?


A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows President Trump now has a double-digit lead over lead over Joe Biden. The poll shows President Trump with a 52 to 42% lead over Biden, which is up from a May poll showing President Trump leading 49 to 43% over Biden. But, before President Trump supporters get too…
A new -ABC News poll shows President Trump now has a double-digit lead over lead over Joe Biden. The poll shows President Trump with a 52 to 42% lead over Biden, which is up from a May poll showing President Trump leading 49 to 43% over Biden. But, before President Trump supporters get too excited, permit me to be a skunk at the picnic. If I am right, this just might be a ploy.
First of all, the polls throughout the summer that were parroted by the mainstream media had both candidates even or Biden with a negligible lead. But, in the last weeks the talk of Biden’s inability to lead by those in his own party has increased. Most telling is that his lapdog mainstream leftist media have been the ones advancing that message. Also, in the past weeks, the leftist media have been surprisingly critical of Biden’s gaffes and outright lies. So what does this mean?
Here are my thoughts. There’s increasing talk that the Democrats are devising or perhaps have already devised a way to jettison the Obama woman into the numero uno seat. For the record, I don’t believe that for a second; I’ll explain why in moment.
Whether it’s wishful thinking or a reality, the chatter of them finding a way to parachute the Obama woman into the picture is gaining momentum. I will add that a close colleague has been assuring me since early summer that this is the plan. I still disagree.
Granted, there are those who slobber and droll over the very mention of that woman. But, who in their right minds would want this woman as the Democratic presidential nominee, much less in the Oval Office?
She may be liked by a crowd with a big megaphone, but I submit they’re the minority. I say that she not just disliked, but she is unlikable. Add to that her unbridled dislike for Americans and well-documented contempt, if not outright hatred for, so-called working-class people sans the melanin she displays.
Following are just a few things she would need people not to remember.

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