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Can You Save All Characters In Starfield?


Saving all characters in Starfield during the High Price to Pay mission is a challenge. This choice is only available on the New Game Plus.
Saving all characters in Starfield is impossible, and “One of the companions must die.” During the “High Price to Pay” mission in Starfield, you can either defend the Lodge or the Eye. Choosing one over the other results in the death of one of your companions. If you choose to go with the Lodge, the companion staying on The Eye will die.
Who will die is unclear since it depends on your affinity or relationship levels with the companion. Due to this reason, each player will face the death of a different companion depending on their affinity level with the companion. For example:
In my playthrough, I chose Sarah in the Eye mission and had the highest affinity with her. I choose Sam in the Lodge with the second-highest affinity.
No matter the affinity, the player in the location that I didn’t choose will die.
Since the game wants to make this a spicy ending, the death of the companion might be due to the one that we chose over the previous mission
However, there is a chance to save all characters in Starfield and prevent any companion from leaving the team behind. To do so, you will need to make specific decisions during the game. These will allow you to save your beloved companions in Starfield.How to save all characters in Starfield High Price to pay
Saving All Companions during the High Price to Pay mission is very challenging. You will lose a companion there if you choose to defend the Lodge. Otherwise, one of your companions in the Eye will lose their life.

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