Start United States USA — mix Lloyd Austin cancer surgery admission raises eyebrows

Lloyd Austin cancer surgery admission raises eyebrows


The secretary of defense reportedly went to the hospital for an „elective procedure,“ which left many puzzled on social media.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is taking heat after Tuesday’s announcement about his surgery for prostate cancer.
Doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center said his recent secretive hospitalization was for surgery and later to treat a urinary tract infection related to the operation.
Austin, 70, went to the hospital for what the Pentagon press secretary called an „elective procedure“ on December 22, which left many on X, formerly Twitter, puzzled about Tuesday’s announcement.
„Their original spin was that it was elective surgery. But nope. It was for prostate cancer,“ conservative commentator Erick Erickson posted. „Lloyd Austin underwent general anesthesia and his gut call was to keep it from the Commander-in-Chief. I pray he recovers, but Austin shows a pattern of making the wrong gut calls time and time again. He should be fired.“
Journalist Greta Van Susteren posted: „Even though Sec of Defense Austin was not under general anesthesia in the ICU per Walter Reed Hospital, my guess is that with an extreme pain, you get pretty strong pain pills. That would not be the best time for Sec of Defense to be in charge of the military. The responsibilities should have been passed sooner to his deputy.“
Four Republican members of Congress are among those calling for Austin’s resignation.

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