Start United States USA — software Researchers propose new scheme for Internet of Things that uses fog computing

Researchers propose new scheme for Internet of Things that uses fog computing


Researchers from RUDN University have proposed a new scheme for the Internet of Things network. It uses flying drones that process data instead of cloud data centers, which speeds up the network. The results were published .
Researchers from RUDN University have proposed a new scheme for the Internet of Things network. It uses flying drones that process data instead of cloud data centers, which speeds up the network. The results were published in Drones.
The Internet of Things (IoT) will connect user devices with everyday household and professional devices. The difficulty now is that the balance between functionality and energy efficiency has not been found. To solve this problem, the researchers proposed using a new type of network architecture—fog computing.
„IoT offers promising opportunities. But to deploy and manage such a network, several issues need to be addressed.

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