Start United States USA — IT This zombie fern can reanimate its dead leaves to keep itself fed

This zombie fern can reanimate its dead leaves to keep itself fed


Scientists recently discovered a zombie fern that can reanimate its dead leaves and turn them into roots, giving itself new life.
Researchers have made a shocking discovery. According to a new study published in Ecology, scientists have discovered a “zombie fern” in Panama that reanimates its dead leaf fronds and turns them into roots, so that the mother plant can continue feeding.
It’s an interesting discovery that showcases just how unique and intriguing plant life on our planet can be. The researchers say that this phenomenon only happens when the dead leaves droop to the ground. After making contact with the soil, the plant seems to reanimate the leaves, embedding them deep into the soil.
From there, the zombie fern’s reanimated leaves sprout a network of rootlets that can then draw nitrogen out of the soil and into the plant.

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