Start United States USA — Sport Nikki Haley Wins the DC Swamp Primary

Nikki Haley Wins the DC Swamp Primary


It is unheard of that winning a primary is instant proof of why you are losing the race overall — but Nikki Haley has accomplished just that.
It is unheard of in the history of presidential primaries that winning a primary can serve as instant proof of why you are losing the race overall — but Nikki Haley has accomplished just that.
This week, Haley managed to get a majority of the about 2000 votes cast in … the Washington, D.C., GOP primary.
Yes, that would be Washington, D.C. — aka the Swamp.
If ever there were a “victory” that explained exactly why the former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador has lost every other primary around the country where she has been on the ballot, the D.C. primary win would be it.
First of all, the very fact that there were a mere 2,000 votes cast speaks exactly to the political makeup of the Swamp. It is filled to overflowing with left-leaning federal bureaucrats and lobbyists who have not a conservative bone among them.
But more to the point is that D.C. Republicans are themselves protective of the Swamp. Because they are part of it.
And the crystal-clear message sent by GOP Swamp-dwellers in this D.

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